
I can't sit cross-legged

sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
not being able to sit cross-legged (i.e. not being able to sit on the floor)







Patients come to the clinic because they try to sit on their legs, but can't because one leg is too stiff, their knee rises too high, their back is rounded, or they feel a tightness in their hip joints.

In order to sit comfortably and stably in a cross-legged sitting position, the muscles around the hip joint need to be flexible to a certain extent. If the hip joint movements such as bending, opening the legs and twisting the legs sideways are stiff, it is difficult to sit on the floor.

Movements to bend the hip joint (flexion), hamstring (back of the thigh) and psoas muscles

Movement to open the hip joint (abduction): adductor muscle group (inner thigh)

Movement to twist the hip outwards (external rotation): psoas muscle group, piriformis muscle (buttocks)

In this acupuncture treatment, the inner thigh is tight when sitting cross-legged, so acupuncture was applied to the suture muscles to loosen the muscles. The suture muscle has the function of flexion, abduction and external rotation, so if this muscle is contracted or stiff, cross-legged sitting becomes difficult.


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