反り腰 腰が詰まる

Warped hips, stuffy backs.

#warpedhips #stuffybacks #backpain #腰痛 #腰が詰まる

Warped hips, stuffy backs.





You have back pain and are aware of your warped back. Normally, the muscles on the abdomen and back are supposed to support the body, but with a warped back, the strain on the back muscles increases to an extreme level, causing muscle fatigue. Even if you do not have a slouching back, you may feel a tightness in your lower back due to continuous desk work. The border between the lower back and pelvis is a particularly common place for a feeling of stuffiness. In fact, there are no specific muscles connecting these areas, but fascia. Between the lumbar vertebrae there is a muscle called the multifidus muscle, which supports the vertebrae and the vertebrae. When you have back pain, this area becomes stiff and you feel a ‘stuffy’ sensation. When the lumbar spine is affected, the muscle called the multifissure muscle becomes stiff. The multifidus muscle is a muscle that is difficult to move at will. It is located deep in the body and contracts involuntarily because of its role in postural stability and other functions.

A feeling of stuffiness in the lower back can also be caused by overcontraction of the multifidus muscle or contraction of the family of psoas muscles. However, lumbar kyphosis can also be accentuated by trying to force good posture and increased back tension. People with back pain are characterised by fat in the multifidus muscles (fat around the waist) and thin blood vessels in the lower back, which can lead to inflammation. It is necessary to take steps to prevent a decline in immunity and resistance on a daily basis.

Another common female problem is a flabby belly. This is a condition in which the lower part of the abdomen protrudes, even though the person is not particularly overweight. This condition is very much related to a warped back. When you are hunched over, the muscles in the back are tense, while the muscles on the stomach side tend to relax. This weakens abdominal pressure (the ability to support the centre of the body) and makes it easier to develop a flabby belly.

In acupuncture treatment, when acupuncture needles are inserted, the body perceives that a foreign substance has entered the body. In an attempt to eliminate the foreign body from entering the body, blood is concentrated at once in the area where the needles were inserted, and blood circulation is increased. The blood is rich in fresh oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients, which are then distributed to the muscles, leading to healing. In addition, when acupuncture needles are used to ‘wound’ muscles, the natural healing power is activated and tries to heal the wound. Natural healing power is one of the abilities that people are born with, where the body tries to heal wounds by itself.
This can be used to stimulate muscle repair by deliberately stimulating it with acupuncture needles.


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