太腿の裏が硬い ハムストリング硬い
Hamstring stiffness legcramps

#hamstring stiffness #legcramps
デスクワークが長いと腰痛を感じることがああります。また同時に太腿の裏も、座りっぱなしの影響で、体重で圧迫されてハムストリングス(太もも裏)が硬くなっていることも多いです。こうなると、神経や血管を圧迫して、太腿の裏、ハムストリングがつりやすくなったりします。足がつるというのは、筋の痙攣です。 筋肉の痙攣は筋肉に無意識に過剰に力が入ってしまい、抜けなくなってしまった状態で、痙攣が強すぎて、痛みを感じます。原因としては筋肉の疲労、 筋力低下、マグネシウム、ナトリウムなどの電解質の不足が言われています。
If you work at a desk for a long time, you may experience lower back pain. At the same time, the backs of the thighs are often stiffened by the pressure of weight on the hamstrings (back of the thighs) due to sitting. When this happens, the nerves and blood vessels can be compressed and the back of the thigh, or hamstring, can easily become pinched. A cramp in the leg is a muscle spasm. A muscle spasm is a condition in which the muscle is involuntarily over-stressed and unable to relax, the spasm is too strong and painful. Causes include muscle fatigue, muscle weakness and electrolyte deficiencies such as magnesium and sodium.
Explanation of acupuncture effects. Humans have a natural healing power to heal themselves from illness and injury, and an immune system to protect themselves from pathogens from outside. When injured, these systems start to work and various reactions occur in the body. For example, blood vessels are dilated to bring in fresh blood containing lots of oxygen and nutrients to increase metabolism, and white blood cells that fight against foreign substances are brought in to prevent infection from the injured area. Acupuncture uses these reactions to create invisible microscopic wounds and small burns on the skin and muscles, improving blood circulation in the muscles, curing stiff shoulders and back pain and promoting the repair of injured areas.
The human body is also equipped with various mechanisms to control pain. Pressing or rubbing a painful area relieves pain. Acupuncture stimulation triggers these pain-suppressing mechanisms to work, resulting in analgesic effects.
The body is also equipped with a mechanism whereby stimulation of the skin or muscles changes the activity of the autonomic nervous system and reflexively regulates the workings of the organs and organs governed by the autonomic nervous system. Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation uses this mechanism to change autonomic nerve activity, regulate blood vessels and improve organ function. As a result, a wide range of systemic effects are triggered, such as regulating blood pressure, balancing hormones and activating the immune system.