
Chewing and clenching

#Chewing #clenching #Biting #clenching

噛み締め 食いしばりはストレス増し精神が緊張したとき自然にやってしまう癖です。人は緊張すると口の中で上下の歯を接触させます。これは96%以上の人がやっていることで、ごく普通のことだそうです。気を抜く=力を抜くことができないのは現代病かもしれません。



鍼やお灸で、筋肉を緩ませ、食いしばり(噛みしめ・歯ぎしり)してしまう状況を緩和します。私たちは生活の中で、活動的になったり、リラックスしたりしながら、カラダとココロが疲れすぎないようバランスを整える働きがそなわっています。その働きの一つが、よく耳にする自律神経です。自律神経の中身は、交感神経⇒ 活動的な時に活発になると副交感神経⇒ リラックスする時に活発になるで成り立っています。


Biting and clenching Biting and clenching is a habit that people naturally do when they are under increased stress and mental tension. When people are nervous, they bring their upper and lower teeth into contact with each other in the mouth. This is something that more than 96% of people do and is quite normal. The inability to relax = relaxing may be a modern disease.

But if that time is too long or the force of tooth contact is too strong, various disorders can occur. Social life is full of stress. By bringing the teeth into contact, the ability to think and move can be increased. In other words, it is thought that clenching is caused to increase the ability to withstand stress. This in turn makes it difficult to avoid clenching.

Essentially, the only contact between a person's upper and lower teeth is when chewing and swallowing. If we chew, clench, grind, clench our teeth, etc., the muscles and joints for chewing are continually under strain. The teeth also wear down and the jaw joints are also affected.

Acupuncture and moxibustion relax the muscles and alleviate conditions that cause clenching (biting and grinding). In our daily lives, we are equipped with the ability to balance our body and mind so that they do not become too tired while we are active or relaxed. One of these functions is the autonomic nervous system, which we often hear about. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic nervous system, which is active when we are active, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is active when we relax.

Acupuncture treatment stimulates the skin and muscles of the body to change the activity of the autonomic nervous system, regulate the workings of the organs and organs governed by the autonomic nervous system and regulate blood vessels. As a result, a wide range of systemic effects are induced, such as the regulation of blood pressure, hormonal balance and the activation of the immune system.


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