声がかすれる 声がでずらい

Voice is hoarse


The voice is produced by the fine vibrations of the vocal cords. However, if the vocal folds become troubled for any reason, a hoarse voice can result. Overuse of the throat, colds, swelling of the vocal cords and other physical or immune problems can cause inflammation and swelling of the vocal cords, resulting in a hoarse voice. Age-related degeneration can also cause blurred voice as the vocal cords become thin and atrophic in old age. Mental stress can also cause loss of voice. Stress and emotional trauma, which is a psychological injury to the individual, can also be a cause. Not only adults, but also schoolchildren can suffer from speech difficulties. Acupuncture as a treatment for a hoarse voice can be improved by warming the throat, preventing the breeding of recent and viral infections, and further reducing swelling and pain.

#hoarse #voiceless #cough


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