



When you look at a photo taken by another person
You may notice a left-right difference in the height of the corners of your mouth and other facial features.
Lifestyle is a major cause of facial imbalance.
If the facial muscles are not used equally on both sides of the face
If you do not use your facial muscles evenly on both sides of your face, your face is likely to become distorted.

Chewing only on one side of the mouth when eating can lead to facial distortion.
Sleeping posture can also cause distortion if you sleep with your body on the same side every night, which puts pressure on the side of your face and squeezes it.
If shoulder bags are always slung over the same side of the shoulder, the neck muscles are pulled, which can also cause asymmetry.
Age-related degeneration can also be a cause. Facial bones, muscle tissue, and subcutaneous fat atrophy, relax, and droop with age.
Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can provide anti-aging treatment without side effects. The earlier the treatment is given, the faster the improvement.


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