
#slippeddisk #backpain










Back pain can be divided into two main categories: acute back pain, which occurs shortly after onset, and chronic back pain, which lasts more than three months after onset. A hiccup is a common name for acute back pain. Acute back pain often resolves spontaneously in approximately one to three weeks.

Giggle back is a common name for acute back pain. Severe pain in the lower back is triggered by lifting heavy objects, standing up from mid-back or twisting the upper body. The pain may ease a little in some positions, but even the slightest movement can cause severe pain and sometimes walking is not possible. The pain disappears after a few days or weeks, but it may ease to a certain extent and then go straight to chronic back pain.

The main diseases that cause acute back pain include

Pain from muscles and ligaments: pain occurs when the muscles and ligaments that support the lower back are damaged or inflamed. Pain can be caused by straining or twisting the lower back.

Pain in the intervertebral joints: pain occurs when the joints, which connect the bones of the lower back, become deformed or inflamed. The pain is felt when the lower back is displaced.

Intervertebral disc pain: the cartilage that acts as a cushion between the bones is the intervertebral disc, and damage to this disc can cause pain. Pain occurs when bending forward or backward at the waist.

Nerve pain: a damaged disc or deformed bone can irritate the nerves, causing numbness and pain in the hips and legs. The pain and numbness runs towards the legs as well as the lower back.

Bone pain: bones can become brittle and fracture or become deformed due to age-related degeneration, which can cause pain. The pain is fine when sitting still, but intense when getting up from a sleeping position.

Prevention of back pain: it is important to review daily activities such as bending the knees or shifting the left or right leg back and forth to pick up an object on the floor instead of bending at the waist, stretching the spine instead of bending at the waist when lifting an object, and keeping the object away from the body when holding it. Stretching to increase the flexibility of the muscles around the spine that support the spine and exercising the abdominal and back muscles to strengthen the muscles can also help.


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