脳のオーバーヒート 頭頂部の熱

Brain overheating autonomic nervous system




今回は、四聡神 しそうしん 精神状態を落ち着かせ、自立神経のバランス と整えて、頭の感じをスッキリさせる効果があるツボに刺しています。個人差はありますが、熱もよく取れます。

Through the autonomic nervous system, the brain is the command centre that controls the movement of all organs in the body, including muscles and organs. The autonomic nervous system works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without rest, as it is essential for the maintenance of vital activities.

The more the autonomic nervous system is overloaded, the greater the amount of heat generated in the brain. If the fever cannot be controlled, heat builds up in the head, causing the brain to become tired and ‘overheat’, resulting in flushing, fatigue and headaches.

Increased mental stress from worry and anxiety, or physical stress from overwork or physical fatigue, increases the load on the autonomic centres, causing the brain to overheat, and as the brain controls the movement of all the body's organs, when the brain overheats and slows down, the body's internal controls are disrupted. If the body's temperature, heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure are not regulated properly, all the body's organs will not work properly, resulting in headaches, fever, lethargy, dizziness and other physical ailments.

In this case, the Sisso Shin acupuncture point is used to calm the mental state, balance the autonomic nervous system and clear the head. AlthoughThere are individual differences, it also removes heat well.

#Brainoverheating  #Parietal head hot #autonomicnervoussystem

#自律神経調節 #頭のてっぺんが熱い #頭頂部が熱い #脳のオーバーヒート



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