足底腱膜炎 足底筋膜炎

足底筋膜炎とは足裏のかかとから足指の付け根の足底筋膜で炎症や痛みがでます。 朝起きてから、あるいはしばらく休んでからの第一歩目など、安静後の始動時に痛みが出やすいという点が特徴として挙げられます。 マラソンなどの足裏に負担のかかる運動、長時間の立ち仕事などが主な原因となります。また、足底腱膜炎んもあります。足裏のアーチ構造を支える足底腱膜が炎症を起こして小さい断裂を繰り返します。 かかとや足底が地面に着地した際に、足底腱膜が伸ばされて痛みを感じます。


Plantar fasciitis is inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia of the foot, from the heel to the base of the toes. It is characterised by the fact that pain tends to occur at the start of the day after resting, such as after waking up in the morning or the first steps after a short rest. The main causes are marathons and other foot-stressful exercises, as well as prolonged standing. There is also plantar tendonitis. The plantar tendon membrane, which supports the arch structure of the foot, becomes inflamed and repeatedly tears in small pieces. When the heel or sole lands on the ground, the plantar tendon membrane is stretched, causing pain.

In this case, moxibustion (warm: approx. 50°-60°C), a high-heat moxibustion that even moxibustion therapists find hot, improves blood flow and relieves pain. The thermal stimulation causes the surrounding capillaries to widen and increases the blood flow through the blood vessels, thereby acting to improve blood circulation and repairing the damaged area. The heat effect causes blood vessels to constrict and dilate, thereby regulating local hyperemia and congestion and relieving inflammation.

#plantartendonitis #足底腱膜炎 #足底筋膜炎


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