ear acupuncture point diet
近年増加傾向にある症状に、つい食べ過ぎてしまうがあります。 食欲は脳の視床下部にある満腹中枢と摂食中枢によってコントロールされています。このうち満腹中枢は視床下部の内側にあり、興奮すると摂食を中止させます。一方、摂食中枢は視床下部の外側にあり、興奮すると摂食を誘発させます。隣り合わせの神経のどちらかにストレスがかかれば、機能は働かなくなります。
One symptom that has been on the rise in recent years is overeating. Appetite is controlled by the satiety center and the feeding center located in the hypothalamus of the brain. The satiety center is located inside the hypothalamus and stops eating when excited. On the other hand, the feeding center is located outside the hypothalamus and triggers eating when excited. If either of these adjacent nerves is stressed, they cease to function.
The background of overeating is often a serious, hardworking person who cares too much about others and is easily stressed. It is not so easy to put away overeating, and both physical and mental care is needed to improve overeating. In this case, we performed ear acupuncture. By stimulating ear acupuncture points, we improve the body constitution and stimulate points that suppress appetite, reduce irritability during dieting, and promote digestion, and we select points that facilitate weight loss. Before the ear acupuncture treatment, we performed an aromatherapy massage on your back along the spine, which is effective in regulating the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nerves come from both sides of the spine. Let's also drain lymphatic congestion from your back and lighten your body and mind.