
Cerebrovascular dementia


Cerebrovascular dementia is a type of dementia caused by cerebral infarction (a clogged blood vessel in the brain that prevents blood from flowing to a part of the brain, resulting in loss of brain function in that area) or cerebral hemorrhage (a blood vessel in the brain breaks, resulting in bleeding that breaks or compresses brain tissue). Dementia occurs as a result of so-called stroke (damage to blood vessels in the brain). In addition to memory impairment, physical functions such as gait disturbance are deteriorated from the early stages of the disease. There are various causes of dementia, including aging, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking habits, obesity, and alcohol consumption, all of which increase the risk of developing the disease. Symptoms of dementia, such as memory impairment (forgetting what one has done) and disorientation (not knowing the date, time, day, or place), may occur. Acupuncture around the neck improves blood flow to the cerebral blood vessels and activates brain cells.

#認知症 #dementia #cerebrovasculardisease #脳血管障害


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