
knee pain


The most common cause of occurrence is overuse due to exercise. It is especially likely to occur when the muscle groups that make up the goosefoot are fatigued and less flexible. At the same time, another factor is that the tendons that make up the goosefoot tend to rub against the bones of the inside of the knee. Acupuncture and moxibustion reduce the tension in the tendons of the goosefoot, promote blood circulation, and allow the blood to carry nutrients to the damaged muscle, thereby speeding up the recovery process. In this case, moxibustion is used. Moxibustion collects white blood cells in the affected area and enhances immune action by strengthening the phagocytic and antibacterial effects of the white blood cells. As the moxa is burned, the heat gradually increases, and the local blood vessels gradually dilate and then slowly contract over time as the heat increases. When the heat stimulus works on the blood vessels to increase their motility, the autonomic nerves that move the blood vessels will remember their original function and function normally. This helps to reduce swelling. Moxa promotes the formation of red blood cells, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, prevents oxidation of the blood (antioxidant effect), and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the blood through sweating and urination, thereby improving the quality of the blood.

#鵞足炎 #kneepain #runnersknee #kneepain
 anserine bursitisgoosefoot bursitisknee tendon bursitis


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