肩こり マッサージ

Stiff shoulders Massage


When you go to a hair salon, you may be tapped on the neck, shoulders, and back in between cuts and perms. It is a very pleasant experience, especially if you are sitting in a chair for a long time. This is one of the massage techniques known as kodatsu-ho. The tapping technique involves rhythmically striking the surface of the body with lightly clasped or open palms to stimulate the body. The masseur alternately strikes with the left and right hand with smooth and elastic hand joints. The duration of tapping is adjusted according to the purpose of the treatment. In action, the intermittent stimulation acts rhythmically to activate nerve and muscle movement and promote blood circulation. There are ways to increase excitability versus nerves and muscles that seem paralyzed, or conversely, if they are tense, to quell the excitement and work in a sedative manner. The method of tapping, the speed, rhythm, and force of the tapping can make a difference in the effect. The main action of the tapping method is to enhance nerve and muscle function. Continuous, rhythmic tapping with comfortable force dilates or constricts subcutaneous capillaries, increases muscle contraction, and improves blood circulation in the body.


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