
Rheumatoid arthritis


関節リウマチとは、関節が炎症を起こし、軟骨や骨が破壊されてしまい、関節の機能が損なわれ、放っておくと関節が変形してしまう病気です。関節は腫れ、激しい痛みを伴います。他の関節の病気と異なる点は、関節を動かさなくても痛みが生じるところです。手首や手足の関節で起こりやすく、左右の関節で同時に症状が生じやすいことも特徴です。また、関節リウマチの症状は関節だけでなく、発熱、疲れやすいなどの全身症状が生じ、関節の炎症が肺や血管など全身に広がることもあります。リウマチによる関節の腫れや痛みに対する鍼灸の効果はWHO(世界保健機構)でも認められており、 実はリウマチの症状を改善するために鍼灸治療を受けているという人は結構多いのです。
 鍼でリウマチを完治するのはまだ難しいですが。鍼には鎮痛と消炎効果があるため、 リウマチによる関節の腫れや痛みを楽にし、日常生活におけるストレスを軽くすることができます。リウマチの症状の進行を遅れさせたりも期待できます。

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which joints become inflamed, cartilage and bone are destroyed, joint function is impaired, and joints become deformed if left untreated. The joints become swollen and severely painful. What makes this disease different from other joint diseases is that the pain occurs even when the joints are not moved. It tends to occur in the joints of the wrists and limbs, and symptoms tend to occur simultaneously in both right and left joints. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are not limited to joints, but can also cause systemic symptoms such as fever and tiredness, and inflammation in the joints can spread to the lungs, blood vessels, and other parts of the body. The effectiveness of acupuncture and moxibustion for joint swelling and pain caused by rheumatism has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and in fact, there are quite a few people who receive acupuncture and moxibustion treatment to improve their rheumatism symptoms.
 It is still difficult to cure rheumatism completely with acupuncture, though. Acupuncture has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can ease the swelling and pain of joints caused by rheumatism and reduce stress in daily life. It can also be expected to slow the progression of rheumatic symptoms.

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