ほうれい線 美容鍼

laughLines Cosmetic Acupuncture


Unlike most wrinkles, laugh lines are furrows at the border between the cheek bulge and the muscles of the mouth. These grooves are created by the contraction of the facial muscles of the cheeks, which connect the cheekbones to the skin. It is characterized by a c-shaped extension from the nose (nasal wings) to the mouth. In this season, dryness is one of the causes of laugh lines. Dryness reduces the skin's barrier function. Therefore, it is important to note that when dryness weakens the skin's firmness and elasticity, the lines become more noticeable. As the skin sags, the face line around the chin collapses, resulting in wrinkles that extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin, causing the cheeks to sag and deepening the furrows of the laugh lines. Nutritional balance in the diet is also important for beautiful skin and skin health. Be conscious about taking nutrients such as protein, zinc, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Ultraviolet rays are also an external stimulus that can easily cause a disruption of the skin's barrier function. When going outside during the day, it is safe to wear sunscreen and use parasols and hats to protect against ultraviolet rays. Even when indoors, be wary of rooms that receive a lot of sunlight from windows. Ordinary window glass cannot protect against ultraviolet rays. As for acupuncture treatment, acupuncture needles are used to stimulate the epidermis of the facial skin to activate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the dermis layer of the skin. The fibroblast cells that produce them are also stimulated and regenerated. Since lines, fine lines, and sagging skin are caused by a combination of various factors, the restructuring of the skin itself and the turnover of the skin are effective.

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#facialacupuncture #美容鍼 #美容鍼灸 #美容針 #ほうれい線 #nasolabialfolds #rejuvenescimento #smilelines #たるみ #laughlines #スマイルライン #しわ
#athletes #ポインセチア #クリスマス #christmas


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