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neck muscles pain


Some neck muscles are more prone to stiffness than others. The posterior cervical triangle is one such area. The posterior cervical triangle is composed of the trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, and clavicle. Within the triangle pass the external transverse vein, transverse cervical artery, cervical plexus, brachial plexus, cervical lymph nodes, paracervical nerves, and thoracic duct. The human head weighs about 4-6 kg, and the neck is stressed even when facing forward. Simply tilting the head and neck down or slouching increases the strain. Prolonged use of a cell phone or computer also puts strain on the neck. Continuing in the same posture also causes muscle tension, blood flow stagnation, and fatigue, leading to symptoms of stiffness and pain. In addition, muscle weakness due to lack of exercise or aging makes it easier to hunch back. In a hunched back, the neck is forward and the muscles behind and to the sides of the neck are constantly tense. This results in poor blood flow, causing stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders. Poor posture not only in everyday life, but also when sleeping and using pillows that do not fit the body can cause fatigue and stiff neck and shoulders. It is important to note that this can also lead to breathing inhibition and wrinkling of the neck. Soft pillows can also cause stiff necks because the neck is constantly strained as it tries to stabilize the head. Stress also causes stiffness in the neck and shoulders because the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, blood vessels constrict, and blood circulation deteriorates.

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