PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder :心的外傷後ストレス障害)は、死の危険を考えるほどの場面に直面にした時や、自分自身の体験だけではなく、他人が死亡したり重症を負うのを目撃した時、近親者や親しい友人が、突然の暴力的な出来事によって死亡したり重症を負ったことを知らされた時などに、その時に受けた、恐怖、苦痛、怒り、哀しみ、無力感などいろいろな感情が混じった記憶が、自分の意志とは関係なくフラッシュバックのように思い出されたり、悪夢に見たりすることです。不安や緊張が高まり、辛さのあまり現実感がなくしたりもします。しかし、周りからみると、現在は何もないのに、突然感情が不安定になり、取り乱したり、涙ぐんだり、怒ったりするように見えるので、周囲は理解に苦しむことになります。

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that occurs when a person is confronted with a situation that puts them in danger of death, when they witness the death or serious injury of another person, or when they are informed that a close relative or friend has died or been seriously injured in a sudden and violent event. When one is informed of the death or serious injury of a close relative or friend due to a sudden violent event, one may experience flashbacks or nightmares of mixed emotions such as fear, pain, anger, sorrow, and helplessness, regardless of one's will. Anxiety and tension increase, and the person may lose a sense of reality due to the pain. However, people around them have a hard time understanding them because they seem to suddenly become emotionally unstable, distraught, tearful, or angry, even though there is nothing going on in the present.
It is normal for people to experience transient anxiety, insomnia, and heart palpitations after a life-or-death experience. Flashback-like symptoms may also occur, but they calm down over time. However, they may not get better with time, or they may even become more painful. The same feelings, emotions, and physical sensations may be felt as they were at the time, or the person may actually see scenes from that time, or feel as if the assailant is very close by. Although time should have passed, the wounds do not heal and it becomes impossible to calm down and sort out the experience. This causes mental instability because the parts that are remembered very well are mixed with the parts that are not remembered, the relationships between what was experienced, felt, and thought are confused, and the temporal order and connections between what is cause and what is effect are not grasped. This can lead to a state of mental instability, in which the person is unable to calmly reflect on memories, blames himself more than necessary, loses self-confidence, and distrusts those around him. Recalling past damage can make them feel as if they are being victimized again in reality. Acupuncture is a face-to-face therapy that takes time. PTSD symptoms may improve to some extent simply by having a trusted doctor who listens to you well and makes you feel understood. It is also important to find a trusted doctor who listens to you well.

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