ゴルフ 手首の痛み

wrist pain for golf


For golfers, finger pain or wrist discomfort after practice can lead to chronic pain if left untreated, thinking it is no big deal. Wrist injuries from golf are more likely to gradually become chronic due to the strain of repetitive play than a single impact injury. This can interfere with daily life and work, not to mention swinging the club. Wrist and finger deformities can also occur. Repeated swings with an overly tight grip on the club or with a poor range of motion of the shoulder blades can put strain on the wrists and arms. If the swing is made with more force than necessary, the impact is transmitted straight to the wrist and the wrist is overloaded. Swinging repeatedly in this state leads to pain. Acupuncture treatment aims to eliminate pain quickly by treating the causative site directly. Acupuncture is an effective and safe treatment method because it can pinpoint the inflammatory site. Pain can also lead to emotional stress. Improving not only the local condition of the fingers and wrists, but also the overall condition of the body on a daily basis can also help prevent injury.

#wristpain #手首の痛み #腱鞘炎 


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