肘の痛み 上腕骨外側上顆炎

Elbow Pain Lateral Epicondylitis of the Humerus

上腕骨外側上顆炎は上腕の筋肉と肘を繋げている腱が慢性的な炎症を起す症状で、発症すると腕の特定の動作をさせた時に、上腕の肘の背中から手首の背面の部分にかけて痛みが発生します。痛みが発生する主な動作は、手首を反らせる、手首をひねる 物を掴んで手首を動かす、指を伸ばすなどです。日常生活だとテニス肘になると、ドアノブをひねる、ものを掴んで持ち上げるというような日常的な動作でも痛みが生じるようになります。他にも、テニスやゴルフなどのスポーツや、パソコン作業時のキーボード操作といった動作でも痛みがでることがあります。悪化すると痛みが強すぎて、可動域制限や日常動作ができなくなってしまうこともあります。日常動作的にも、肘は使うところなので、安静にするのが難しく、治療が長引きやすく、慢性化しやすいです。原因としては、患部である上腕の筋肉と肘を繋げている腱に繰り返し負担がかかることが要因です。スポーツですと、テニスやゴルフでボールを打つ時や重い荷物を持ち上げる時、ラケットを振る時など、手首から上腕に外部の力が加わるような動作を繰り返し行っていると、肘の腱に少しずつストレスがかかります。腱へのストレスが慢性的に貯まってくると腱が炎症を起こし、周辺の血管や神経に支障をきたしてしまうのです。特に中高年以降になると筋肉のしなやかさが徐々に失われていき、上記のような動作を行った際に、腱にかかるストレスが強くなり、発症する可能性が高くなります。家事などの日常動作でも肘の痛みがでやすくなるリスクが高まります。肘の痛みは、最初は手首や肘に負担のかかる動作を行った時に痛みを感じるのですが、悪化すると中々痛みが引きません。疼痛の緩和のために、サポーターを巻くにもいいでしょう。サポーターは、バンドタイプが使いやすく、前腕の腱の近くに巻きつけるだけで、筋や腱の動きを制限できることで、痛みの緩和が期待できます。しかし、就寝時にはサポーターは外すことをおすすめします。サポーターは筋や、腱や、血管を圧迫して痛みを緩和しているため、筋肉が動かず血行が穏やかになっている就寝時もつけていると血行不良になってしまい、自然治癒を妨げてしまいます。

Lateral epicondylitis of the humerus is a chronic inflammation of the tendon that connects the muscles of the upper arm to the elbow, and when it develops, pain occurs from the back of the elbow to the back of the wrist when certain arm movements are made. The most common movements that cause pain are bending the wrist back, twisting the wrist, grasping an object and moving the wrist, and extending the fingers. In daily life, tennis elbow can cause pain with everyday activities such as twisting doorknobs, grabbing and lifting objects, etc. Other common activities that can cause pain include tennis, golf, and other sports. Other activities such as playing tennis, golf, or using a keyboard while working on a computer can also cause pain. As the pain worsens, it can become so severe that it limits the range of motion and makes it impossible to perform daily activities. Since the elbow is used in daily activities, it is difficult to keep it at rest, and treatment tends to be prolonged and chronic. The cause is due to the repetitive strain on the tendons that connect the affected upper arm muscles to the elbow. In sports, repetitive movements that apply external force from the wrist to the upper arm, such as hitting a ball in tennis or golf, lifting a heavy load, or swinging a racket, gradually stresses the tendon in the elbow. When the stress on the tendon is chronically accumulated, the tendon becomes inflamed and the surrounding blood vessels and nerves are disturbed. Especially in middle-aged and older people, muscles gradually lose their suppleness, and the stress on tendons increases when performing the movements described above, increasing the likelihood of the onset of the disease. Even daily activities such as housework increase the risk of elbow pain. Elbow pain is initially felt when performing activities that place stress on the wrist or elbow, but as the pain worsens, it does not go away. To alleviate the pain, it is a good idea to wear a supporter. The band type of supporter is easy to use and can provide pain relief by simply wrapping it around the forearm near the tendon and restricting the movement of the muscle or tendon. However, it is recommended that the supporter be removed at bedtime. Since the supporter compresses the muscles, tendons, and blood vessels to relieve pain, wearing the supporter even at bedtime, when the muscles are not moving and blood circulation is calm, will cause poor circulation and prevent natural healing.
Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to control pain and improve range of motion.

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