
Stiffness of the shoulder blades


Stiffness between the shoulder blades is caused by stiffness in the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades. The scapula is in contact with the humerus and clavicle of the arm, but it floats like a floating island on the back and is supported by the surrounding muscles. When the shoulder blades are out of their proper position, the strain on these muscles increases and stiffness is easily felt. If the muscles between the shoulder blades are stiff and cannot be used properly, trunk movement is restricted, causing stiff shoulders and hunchbacks. Relieving stiffness between the shoulder blades requires loosening and resetting the stiffness of the muscles around the shoulder blades. Massaging the shoulders and back will not relieve stiffness between the shoulder blades. The root of stiffness between the shoulder blades lies in the fact that the shoulder blades have been opened outward and are not moving properly. When the shoulder blades are kept in a bent-over posture due to long hours at the desk in Corona, the muscles around the shoulder blades become stiffened. In the present case, acupuncture needles were applied to the trapezius and rhomboids muscles, which are responsible for pulling the shoulder blades toward the spine. If these muscles do not work, stiffness will occur. When the rhomboids become stiff, the shoulder blades open to the left and right, the shoulders move forward, and the back becomes hunched. When the rhomboids and trapezius muscles work properly, the shoulder blades can be moved in their natural position, posture improves, movement becomes more supple, and stiffness is eliminated!

#背中のこり #背中のコリ #backstiffness #stiffness #stiffback #肩甲骨 #scapula #cycling #running #surfing


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