外側上顆炎 テニス肘

Lateral epicondylitis Tennis elbow

外側上顆炎 テニス肘の痛みに対して施術いたしました。物をつかんで持ち上げる動作や、タオルをしぼる動作をすると、肘の外側から前腕にかけて痛みが出現します。多くの場合、安静時の痛みはありません。



ateral epicondylitis I treated a patient with tennis elbow pain. Pain appears on the lateral side of the elbow and forearm when lifting or squeezing a towel. In most cases, there is no pain at rest。It is called lateral epicondylitis of the humerus Sharp pain occurs on the lateral side of the elbow when the wrist is raised or the fingers are extended. In the early stages, the pain is not often felt at rest, but as the condition becomes more severe, the pain is felt even at rest. It is sometimes referred to as tennis elbow because the pain is sometimes felt during the backhand motion of tennis. Tennis elbow (tennis elbow) is thought to be closely related to the three muscles that hold the grip and move the wrist: the extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis shortus, and extensor digitorum generalis. Of these, pain often develops due to a combination of stress on the tendons, especially the extensor carpi radialis short. It is thought that repetitive stimulation in sports, the backhand in tennis, and the moment of impact in golf, as well as non-sporting activities, can cause the muscles to lose flexibility and become vulnerable to repetitive stimulation as they age.

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