美容鍼 貼る鍼

Acupuncture needles attached to the skin


Acupuncture needles attached to the skin have very short needles (acupuncture needles) of 0.3 to 1.5 mm in length. These needles relieve painful symptoms by easing muscle stiffness and improving blood flow. Acupuncture needles are also known as orihari-needles or intradermal acupuncture needles. The acupuncture needles have acupuncture needles attached to them, which are applied to painful areas or acupuncture points on the body to relieve pain and other physical discomforts. Acupuncture needles are also effective in beautifying the skin. The skin is composed of three layers from the outside: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat layer. The dermis layer of the skin is composed of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, and the function of the fibroblasts that produce them is important for maintaining skin elasticity. Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid decrease due to aging, oxidative and glycation stress, and damage from external factors and ultraviolet rays, resulting in loss of skin elasticity and appearance of lines, wrinkles, and sagging. When acupuncture needles are applied to the skin, the needles stimulate the dermal layer, which the skin recognizes as damaged and stimulates the production of collagen and other substances to repair the damage. In addition, blood is drawn to repair the wounds, and the improved blood flow stimulates metabolism and the skin's rebirth, or turnover. Skin renewal results in skin elasticity, finer texture, tighter pores, and elimination of rough skin, resulting in a beautiful skin effect. Stimulation with applied acupuncture stimulates blood circulation in the skin and facial muscles, which helps prevent sagging and lines, and is also effective in improving acne and pimples. Acne and pimples are caused by inflammation of skin pores clogged with sebum and waste products due to fatigue, poor health, and hormonal imbalance. Stimulating acupuncture points by applying acupuncture needles and adjusting the autonomic nervous system will also adjust the hormonal balance. When the hormonal balance is regulated, the sebaceous and sweat glands are activated, skin tone is improved, and inflammation is suppressed. By regulating the autonomic nervous system and relaxing, stress is alleviated and acne and pimples are prevented!

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