花粉症 目のかゆみ

Hay fever itchy eyes


Hay fever is said to be an allergic reaction of the human body to pollen. The body's immune response overreacts to pollen, causing hay fever symptoms. The body reacts by sneezing, sniffling, and shedding tears in an attempt to flush the pollen out of the body. In the Kanto region, cedar pollen is mainly dispersed from February to April, cypress pollen from April to May, grass pollen from June to August, and ragweed pollen from August to October. Birch pollen is also dispersed in Hokkaido and parts of Honshu from April to June. The pollens that are scattered and the time of year differ depending on the region. Treatment of hay fever includes drug therapy, surgical treatment, and immunotherapy at medical institutions, but along with treatment, it is a prerequisite to protect oneself from being exposed to pollen. It is believed that about 70% of hay fever cases are caused by cedar pollen allergy. This is because cedar trees cover 18% of Japan's forests and 12% of the country's land area. In Kansai, the area planted with Japanese cypress is as large as that of cedar, so one must also be careful of cypress pollen. On the other hand, in Hokkaido, there are few cedars and cypresses, and the genus birch (Betulaceae) is common. In acupuncture treatment, "Seimei" is considered to work well for itchy and tired eyes. It is located in the hollow between the inner eye socket and the base of the nose. Since hay fever generally becomes less effective as symptoms worsen, "initial therapy" is recommended to suppress symptoms while they are mild. In Oriental medicine, this is called curing the unwell. Initial therapy is started about two weeks before the predicted date of pollen dispersal, or when hay fever symptoms appear even slightly. By taking early treatment, it is easier to control the symptoms even when the pollen count increases, and you can live through the hay fever season with your symptoms under control

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