頭痛 片頭痛 偏頭痛

Headache Migraine Migraine


A migraine headache is a throbbing, pulsating pain that occurs when blood vessels widen and affect the surrounding nerves. The pain is mainly in attacks around the temples, but sometimes there is a premonition that a migraine is coming in the morning. It often appears on one side of the head, but it can also be bilateral. The causes are related to stress and overwork, as well as cheese, wine, chocolate, and female hormones. Symptoms may last from a few hours to several days and may be preceded by headaches that are accompanied by flashes of light, flickering eyes, jagged and cogwheeled vision, vomiting and nausea. Another characteristic of headaches is that the pain worsens when the head is repositioned. Acupuncture relieves stress and relaxes with comfort, removes tension from painful temporal and occipital muscles, improves peripheral circulation, stimulates blood flow, and flushes out pain-causing pain substances, thereby relieving pain.

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