腰痛 坐骨神経痛

Back pain Sciatica


He had a preexisting hernia in his lower back, but recently began experiencing sharp pain and numbness in his buttocks, back of thigh, outer thigh, shin of lower leg, and back of lower leg at the calf area. He came to our hospital because he sometimes has difficulty walking due to the pain. Sciatica is a pain and numbness caused by compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back to the leg. As symptoms progress, it is sometimes accompanied by gait disturbance (intermittent claudication). It is often triggered by a history of lumbar or hip problems, and can be caused by lumbar disc herniation in younger patients or lumbar spinal canal stenosis in older patients. Nerve roots in the lumbar region are compressed, causing pain and numbness in the lower half of the body. In the present case, there was a history of lumbar herniation. The spine is connected to the vertebrae by the vertebrae, which are connected to the intervertebral discs that act as a cushion between the vertebrae. In a herniated disc, this nucleus pulposus is pushed out of the disc, compressing the nerves just outside, which actually run through the spinal canal, causing pain and numbness. This becomes a lumbar hernia. The numbing pain or paroxysmal sharp pain is also known as electric shock pain. As this condition progresses, the pain can easily fall into the buttocks and legs and become a sciatic nerve. Acupuncture relieves pain to the nerve, eases tension in the painful muscles, and relaxes muscular tension. It stimulates blood circulation, widens blood vessels, and improves blood flow, thereby reducing inflammation in the painful area and providing sedation and analgesia.

#backpain #lowerbackpain #acutebackpain #腰痛 #腰痛改善 #坐骨神経痛 #腰が痛い


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