
lumbar disk herniation



He has a history of herniated disc. She was wondering if her hernia might have worsened because she spent a lot of time in the morning commuting to work, holding on to a strap for a long time and sitting for a long time at work, her back and hip muscles were stiff and tense, she did not exercise enough, and her hip muscles were weak due to aging. The patient came to our clinic after a thorough examination of her own body. Especially in February, muscles become stiff due to the cold weather and nerves are stimulated, causing pain. Stress-related back pain can also be prolonged due to psychological factors such as stress, which causes blood vessels to narrow and blood circulation to deteriorate.

The intervertebral discs are like cushions between the bones of the spine that allow the hips to move flexibly in forward bending, backward bending, side bending, and rotation. At the back of the spine is a space surrounded by bones called the spinal canal, which contains nerves that connect the brain to the limbs. When a disc protrudes into this space and presses on the nerve, the nerve may feel pain or numbness in the limb to which it extends, or the limb may become difficult to move. The intervertebral disc consists of a hard outer ring of fibers and a soft, jelly-like nucleus pulposus inside. When the outer ring of fibers degenerates or tears due to aging or other factors, and part of the nucleus pulposus protrudes outward, it touches or compresses the spinal nerve roots, causing pain. The pain progressively extends from the lower back down to the buttocks, thighs, and lower legs, where the numbness and pain extend downward. The pain may intensify when walking or carrying heavy objects. Herniated discs are more likely to occur with poor posture and work. Acupuncture treatment relieves pain in the affected area and relaxes the surrounding muscles to ease pain and numbness. In addition, posture is improved to lighten the load on the intervertebral discs and alleviate symptoms.

#lowerbackpain #backpain #acutebackpain


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