
knee pain

腱や靭帯は、筋肉より伸縮性がないため、無理な外力が加わると断裂しやすいです。膝内側側副靭帯は 膝靭帯損傷の中で最も多く見られます。スポーツでは、ラグビーやサッカーなどで、膝に直接強い衝撃を受け、膝が不自然な方向に曲がり損傷する接触型と、無理な体勢からの方向転換やジャンプ後の着地の瞬間に損傷する非接触型があります。損傷の程度により、痛みや歩行困難などがあります。特に内側にストレスをかけて動かした時の痛みが強くでます。膝の曲げ伸ばしの動域制限や、腫脹、発赤、炎症、熱感が目立ってくることもあります。 内側側副靭帯が単一で負傷することは珍しいです。理由として、内側側副靭帯が半月板にも付着しているため、半月板損傷や、着地などには捻りも加わるため、前十字靭帯も損傷してしまうこともあります。今症例では、台の上から着地した際に、膝を痛めたケースです。やはり、内側側不靭帯と、半月板、十字靭帯と痛めています。この患者さんは、就寝前に、膝のサポートをきつく巻いて寝てしまい、膝の内側側副靭帯のさらなる血行の悪化を辿りました。鍼灸治療後では、損傷部部への血行促進と疼痛緩和を目的に施術させて頂きました。

Tendons and ligaments are less elastic than muscles and are more prone to rupture when subjected to excessive external force. The medial collateral ligament is the most common of all knee ligament injuries. In sports, such as rugby and soccer, there are two types of knee ligament injuries: the contact type, in which the knee bends in an unnatural direction due to a strong direct impact, and the non-contact type, which occurs when the knee changes direction from an impossible position or at the moment of landing after a jump. Depending on the severity of the injury, there may be pain and difficulty walking. Pain is especially strong when stress is placed on the medial side of the knee. Restriction of range of motion in bending and extending the knee, swelling, redness, inflammation, and heat may also be noticeable. A single injury to the medial collateral ligament is uncommon. The medial collateral ligament also attaches to the meniscus, which can result in meniscus injuries, and because of the twisting involved in landing, the anterior cruciate ligament can also be injured. In the present case, the knee was injured when landing on a platform. As expected, the medial collateral ligament, meniscus, and cruciate ligament were injured. Before going to bed, the patient slept with a knee support tightly wrapped around her knee, which led to further deterioration of blood circulation to the medial collateral ligament of the knee. After acupuncture treatment, we aimed to promote blood circulation to the injured area and alleviate pain.

#kneepain #kneerehab #kneeinjury


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