足のむくみ ふくらはぎ

Swollen feet, calf


Swelling is caused by the accumulation of excess fluid. The feet tend to swell because they are farthest from the heart, which pumps blood, and are also affected by gravity. As much as 70% of the total blood supply is concentrated in the lower half of the human body. In order to efficiently return and pump blood back to the heart, the calf muscles play the role of a pump. When the calf muscles contract, the muscles act as a pump and blood returns to the heart. The stronger the calf muscles, the greater the effect. In addition, the veins that return blood to the heart have valves that prevent backflow and support the calf pump. If the calves are not moved much due to lack of exercise, blood accumulates in the legs, causing stasis and swelling. Also, if the valves in the veins break down under heavy strain due to sluggish blood flow or other reasons, backflow occurs, preventing blood from returning to the heart and inducing stasis and swelling. If the time spent in the same posture is prolonged by standing or working at a desk, the calf contracts and is not exercised, so the movement is reduced and the pump function by muscle contraction is not working, making it difficult for blood to return to the heart, leading to swelling. Cases like the one in the case photo, in which there are sock marks and edema, are common among women. Because women generally have less muscle mass than men, women are more prone to swollen feet. As a result, in the evening, shoes, high heels, or pumps may feel tight, calves may feel heavy and sluggish, and pain may be felt when pressing. In addition, some people do not drink water because they think it causes swelling, but this habit can actually cause the swelling to worsen. When water intake is insufficient, the body tries to store water in the body. This causes excess water to accumulate in the lower body, which in turn worsens swelling. To alleviate swelling, it is important to replenish water moderately and expel it moderately, and circulation in the body is important. In this acupuncture treatment, after promoting blood circulation and increasing internal circulation, massage is added. Massage is very effective for swelling that has become stagnant in the lower legs. However, other diseases that can cause swelling include kidney disease, renal failure, heart failure, and cirrhosis of the liver, so please do not take swelling lightly and consider consulting a medical institution.

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