
Achilles tendon injury

Achilles tendon injury




アキレス腱損傷、またはアキレス腱断裂の怪我は、アキレス腱への強い伸張と下腿三頭筋の収縮が同時に起こることで発生します。(特に膝関節伸展位での足関節背屈ストレス、例えば剣道やバドミントンでの踏み込み時やダッシュ時の蹴り出し時などです。アキレス腱を断裂すると、断裂した瞬間に『バンッ』という大きい音が鳴った、誰かに足を蹴られた、ボールを当てられたといった言葉をよく耳にします。ラケット競技や球技での受傷が多く,種目としては,バトミントン・テニス・バレーボール・サッカー・バスケットベールなどの競技での発生頻度が高いといわれています。 アキレス腱断裂の男女比に大きな差はないそうですが、男性に多いそうです。​

 アキレス腱が断裂したまま放置すると、断裂した部分が短縮し組織が瘢痕化します。切れたアキレス腱は離れ離れになるためそのまま放置しておいても治癒されることはありません。下腿三頭筋(ふくらはぎの筋肉)が機能しなくなるため筋萎縮(筋肉がやせ細ること)がみられるようになります.そのため走ることや早歩き,スポーツなどを行うことが困難になります。歩行も跛行(異常な歩行)がみられるため歩きにくくなることがあります。 ​

​ アキレス腱断裂後は十分に対応をしないと拘縮や硬さが残り,歩容の悪さや筋力低下などの機能不全を生じる可能性があるため、しっかりと治療と、治療後も患部のメンテナンスをおすすめします

Acupuncture treatment for Achilles tendon injury. We would like to thank the patient for his cooperation with the case photograph.

The Achilles tendon consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles and is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, measuring 15-20 cm long and 6 mm thick.

The Achilles tendon rests on the calcaneus (calcaneal ridge) and is repeatedly tensed and relaxed during standing and walking movements, with greater tension being applied during sprinting and jumping. The Achilles tendon is covered with a connective tissue called paratenon, from which the Achilles tendon receives its blood supply. Achilles tendons also have an area of poor blood flow 2-6 cm from the attachment site, and Achilles tendon ruptures have been observed in this area, which also contributes to poor blood circulation making Achilles tendons more prone to rupture.

Achilles tendon injuries, or Achilles tendon rupture injuries, occur when a strong stretch to the Achilles tendon and contraction of the triceps muscle occur simultaneously. (particularly during ankle dorsiflexion stress in the knee-extension position, e.g. during stepping in kendo or badminton, or kicking out during a dash). When the Achilles tendon is ruptured, one often hears a loud 'bang' at the moment of rupture, someone kicking the foot or being hit by a ball. The most common injuries occur in racquet sports and ball games, with a high incidence in sports such as badminton, tennis, volleyball, football and basketball varsity. There is no significant difference in the gender ratio of Achilles tendon rupture, but it is more common in men.

 If a ruptured Achilles tendon is left untreated, the ruptured area shortens and the tissue becomes scarred. A ruptured Achilles tendon will not heal if left untreated as it will separate. Muscle atrophy (thinning of the muscles) occurs as the triceps muscles (calf muscles) cease to function. This makes it difficult to run, walk fast or play sports. Walking may also become difficult due to claudication (abnormal gait). 

If the Achilles tendon rupture is not adequately treated, contractures and stiffness may remain, resulting in dysfunctions such as poor gait and muscle weakness, so thorough treatment and maintenance of the affected area is recommended after treatment.



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