頭痛 不眠症 アロマテラピー

頭痛 不眠症 不安症に対して鍼灸治療と頭皮マッサージをいたしました。ローズの香りには鎮静・鎮痛・神経強壮作用があります。芳香療法(アロマセラピー)は緩和医療のひとつです。なぜなら、痛みを感じるのは脳であり、におい分子の情報は最終的には脳に作用するため、この働きを応用すれば痛みを緩和したり、痛みによる精神的な苦痛を和らげたりすることができます。




Acupuncture and scalp massage for headache, insomnia, and anxiety. Rose fragrance has sedative, analgesic, and nerve tonic effects. Aromatherapy is a form of palliative medicine. This is because it is the brain that perceives pain, and the information of smell molecules ultimately acts on the brain.

Aromatherapy is nature's analgesic for pain relief. When the brain receives information about pain, two substances are produced: pain substances such as serotonin and substances that intensify the action of pain substances such as prostaglandins. Analgesics reduce or eliminate pain by suppressing the production of these substances.

In other words, they do not act on the injured part, but on the brain, which is the main body that feels pain. This mechanism of controlling pain by establishing a gate (barrier) in the pathway of information transmission between the injured part and the brain is called gate control of pain sensation.

In the case of essential oils, since the information of smell reaches the brain directly, it is thought to be able to relieve pain by gate control in the same way as painkillers. Furthermore, when the affected area is treated with essential oils, weak skin stimulation, such as rubbing, closes the pain gate, which also relieves pain. Aromatherapy treatment is considered to have a dual effect on pain relief: the analgesic effect of the essential oil aroma itself and the analgesic effect of the skin stimulation.

#headache #migraine #neckpain #migrainerelief #neckpain #stree #anxious #rose #aromatherapy #insomnia #sleepingpill
#頭痛 #不眠 #不眠症 #アロマテラピー 


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