眉間のしわ 美容鍼灸
Wrinkles between the eyebrows cosmetic acupuncture
眉間のしわ 縦じわに対して美容鍼灸を施術いたしました。年齢を重ねると気になってくるのが肌の衰えです。どんなにメイクやファッションに気を使っても、たるみやシワのある肌だと、実年齢よりも老けてみられがちです。
Wrinkles between the eyebrows We performed cosmetic acupuncture for vertical wrinkles. As we age, we become concerned about the deterioration of our skin. No matter how careful you are with your makeup and fashion, sagging and wrinkled skin tends to make you look older than your actual age.
Beauty acupuncture and moxibustion is a beauty treatment that works on the inside of the body by stimulating tissues, cells, blood vessels, and nerves, instead of approaching the skin from the surface like cosmetics and esthetic treatments. It is not only for the skin, but also for the stomach and intestines, stiff shoulders, swollen feet, etc. It activates the skin's own recovery function while adjusting the balance of the entire body, leading to anti-aging.
Since acupuncture needles as thin as a hair are used, there may be a stinging sensation like a mosquito bite, but in some places you may not feel anything. (It depends on the individual, but most people do not feel pain.