坐骨神経痛 臀部痛

Sciatica, buttock pain


Sciatica is a symptom of pain or tingling pain that appears when the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back to the legs, is compressed or irritated for various reasons. It often follows back pain, followed by pain and tingling in the buttocks, back of the thighs, shins and toes. This patient had a history of sciatic nerve problems. The patient was treated for symptoms of pain in the lower back and buttocks with the aim of relieving pain and promoting blood circulation. Acupuncture increases blood flow and local body temperature by stimulating local vasodilatation and removing endogenous pain substances that remain in the affected area through the blood flow, thereby providing sedation and pain relief.

#sciaticapain #sciatica #lowerback #backpain


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