手首の痛み リウマチ

Wrist pain, tendonitis, rheumatism.


リウマチによる関節の腫れや痛みに対する鍼灸の効果はWHO(世界保健機構)でも認められており、 実はリウマチの症状を改善するために鍼灸治療を受けているという人は結構多いのです。
 鍼でリウマチを完治するのはまだ難しいですが。鍼には「鎮痛(痛みをおさえる)」「消炎(炎症をしずめる)」効果があるため、 リウマチによる関節の腫れや痛みを楽にし、日常生活におけるストレスを軽くすることができます。いわゆる「寛解※」を目指し、さらに「寛解」を維持できます。さらに症状の進行を遅れたり、飲み薬の副作用を軽減することもできます。

リウマチは、早めの診断、早めに治療することが大切です。 関節の腫れ、痛み、こわばりでお困りの方は、まずはご相談ください。

The ‘joint pain’ that appears in rheumatoid arthritis starts with pain and swelling in the small joints of the fingers and feet and gradually appears in larger joints such as the wrists, shoulders and knees. The joints may be hot to the touch. Joint pain may start in one or a few joints, but as rheumatoid arthritis progresses, symptoms may appear in multiple joints on both sides. Joint pain follows a chronic course, getting better and worse repeatedly. As the disease progresses, bone and cartilage are destroyed, joints become deformed and the range of movement in the joints is reduced. These are the characteristics of ‘joint pain’ in rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain is a symptom of many different diseases, but rheumatoid arthritis may be suspected, especially if the symptoms are characterised by ‘pain and swelling spreading from small joints to large joints’ and ‘symptoms in symmetrical joints’. One of the main causes of joint swelling in rheumatoid arthritis is an abnormal immune function. The immune system, which normally works to protect itself from external enemies, attacks itself, causing abnormal proliferation of the synovial membrane and destruction of the surrounding bone and cartilage. The deformity that appears as a result of the progressive destruction of the joint may also look like swelling. Symptoms of joint pain are often temperature-dependent and are less severe in warm, sunny weather, and more painful before the weather breaks, on rainy or cold days. Even in summer, joint pain can be intensified by, for example, direct exposure of the joints to the air-conditioning breeze. Avoid direct exposure to air-conditioning in summer as well as in cold weather, and keep the joints warm by wearing long sleeves, long trousers and blankets.

The effectiveness of acupuncture for joint swelling and pain caused by rheumatism has been recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and in fact, many people have received acupuncture treatment to improve their rheumatism symptoms.
It is still difficult to cure rheumatism completely with acupuncture, though. Acupuncture has ‘analgesic’ (pain-relieving) and ‘anti-inflammatory’ (inflammation-relieving) effects, which can ease the swelling and pain of rheumatic joints and reduce the stress of daily life. The aim is to achieve and maintain so-called ‘remission’. It can also delay the progression of symptoms and reduce the side effects of medication.
It is important to diagnose and treat rheumatism as early as possible. If you suffer from joint swelling, pain or stiffness, please contact us first.

#wristpain #tenosynovitis #tendonitis #リウマチ


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