Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is essentially a normal response to emotional stress. Normal anxiety is based on fear and dread and is an important response for survival. When people are faced with a dangerous situation, anxiety triggers a response that forces them to make a decision to fight or flee. This response causes various changes in the body, including increased blood flow to the heart and muscles. The body is energized with the energy and strength it needs to escape the anxiety or to attack the object that makes it anxious or threatens it. An anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person becomes excessively anxious or worried about a variety of events and activities, including work and daily life. This can lead to restlessness, fatigue, and other difficulties in daily life. They may feel anxious even in situations where a normal person would not feel particularly nervous or anxious. They are anxious about school, family, friends, and many other things in their lives, and they continue to feel extremely anxious and worried. In addition to anxiety, symptoms such as inability to concentrate, irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping may also be observed. Acupuncture treatment is designed to stabilize the autonomic nervous system, relax the mind and body, reduce stress, and help the patient cope with anxiety and fear by using acupuncture points that are good for mental care and, in stages, help the patient regain confidence.

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