


Various PTSD patients, including those who have transferred from other hospitals and those who use our treatment centre at the same time as a hospital, are coming to see me today.Every time I start PTSD treatment, I feel sorry for them as a therapist and it is painful to see them trying to tell me what they have been through from the beginning to the present day. It is heartbreaking to see the trauma-related memories flash back and replay in their memory as nightmares.

I try not to think about the trauma-related memories as much as possible, but the patients who go back to square one and tell me because they wanted a new treatment are acting calmly on the outside, but the deciding factor in the treatment is how I can recognise the blood and tears that are flowing behind the surface. I am not afraid to remember. I cannot treat them to make them feel that there is nothing to be afraid of when they remember, but I want to be there for them until they can manage to live with the memories.

The hydrangea grew in the same soil, but only one has red spots. It may be a disease, but it does not seem to me that this hydrangea is inferior to the others. I am treating it with that feeling.


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