Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  心的外傷後ストレス障害












Everyone experiences some form of trauma in their lives. It can be a mixture of pain, anger, sadness, apathy and many other emotions, which can become ingrained in one's mind as a memory.

Even if there is no accident, disaster, injury or illness, the trivial events of daily life and painful memories from the past can become tied up and unmanageable. In the midst of unforgettable sorrow and insurmountable suffering, you find yourself wandering about, not knowing what to do. Even years later, the memories of the experience are recalled against one's will, and one is plunged into the same feelings and sensations as at the time, and one's mind panics as one actually sees and recalls scenes from that time in such vivid detail. The past is not past, it is present and it attacks you in the present, so you protect yourself by erasing the reality from your mind because it is so painful.

PTSD is a common cold of the mind that everyone gets at one time or another. Even influenza, some people will get seriously ill and others will not.

Sometimes painful memories don't get easier with time, or in fact become more and more painful with time. Some people may have wanted to forget quickly, so they fooled themselves and got on with it, only to suffer from PTSD symptoms that became more apparent months or years later.

At the time, I was faced with an overwhelming event that I had no control over, an experience that was accompanied by a strong sense of fear, and I felt so strong fear and shock that I could not feel anything. Now I wonder, if I was OK then, why not now? I don't know.

Maybe the heart that felt was broken then. So with the passage of time, I want to sort out my feelings, but I can't get over it and digest it. The mind wanders further, as the parts of the painful memory that you remember very well get mixed up with the parts you don't, the relationships between what you experienced, felt and thought are confused, and the connections between the temporal order and what is the cause and effect are also lost.

When memories are crossed, the mind wanders and becomes even more unstable, it can suddenly become frazzled back and painful memories can enter the consciousness and attack.

What was done, was not done, the memories of the traumatic experience are fragmented and when you recall some of them, painful emotions can erupt. So constantly, the anxiety and tension never goes away. Sometimes, in order to protect my mind from these painful feelings, I want to erase my sense of reality and my existence, or I try to protect myself from being destroyed by skipping parts of the memory, which is called escaping reality

I blame myself more than I should, lose confidence and have trouble believing in the people around me because I am not able to calm down and sort out my painful or sad feelings. I feel overwhelmed and distressed just trying to find my place in the world, to find a safe place, to figure out where to go and how to get better. To those around you, you may look fine and your body may be fine, but your mind is full of abrasions and bleeding, so suddenly you become emotionally unstable, distraught and tearful, and only those around you will have trouble understanding.

It is not easy to overcome trauma with a traumatised mind.

Acupuncture treatment for PTSD uses the calming and pain-relieving effects of moxa to relieve stress and improve autonomic nervous system disturbances. Aromatherapy plant scents are natural tranquilisers and natural sleeping pills. They are excellent for calming the mind, calming anxiety, making you feel positive and deeply relaxed.PTSD can cause you to unconsciously paralyse your senses in order to protect your mind from painful memories. Try calling back to the power of plants.


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