#勃起不全 #勃起障害


通常は性的刺激を受けると、神経を伝達して勃起の信号が送られます。 そのため、神経に障害を受けると、勃起の信号が陰茎まで届かずにEDの原因となります。陰茎に信号を送る神経への刺鍼により、加齢変性や生活習慣病などで、鈍くなった神経を改善していきます

The case picture shows the treatment of ED due to vascular and neurological disorders, improving blood flow in the pelvic region and stimulating blood circulation to the penis. Arteriosclerosis (ageing of blood vessels) due to ageing, lifestyle-related diseases (e.g. diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension), damage to blood vessels due to surgery or accidents (e.g. car accidents, surgery for an enlarged prostate). Ageing and diseases that worsen blood flow can cause ED, as erection requires a lot of blood flow to the penis. The arteries of the corpus cavernosum within the penis are among the thinnest in the body and tend to be more susceptible to changes caused by atherosclerosis.

Normally, when sexually stimulated, an erection signal is sent via a nerve transmission. Therefore, if the nerves are affected, the erection signal does not reach the penis, causing ED. Acupuncture to the nerves that send signals to the penis improves nerves that have become dull due to age-related degeneration or lifestyle-related diseases


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