外側上顆炎 テニス肘

Tennis elbow

外側上顆炎に特徴的な症状としては、物をつかんで持ち上げる、ペットボトルの蓋を開ける、など手首を上にそらすような動作や キーボードを打つような指を伸ばすような動作をした際に、肘の外側に痛みが走ります。
よくテニスのバックハンドを繰り返しているうちに痛みが生じるようになることから、テニス肘とも呼ば外側上顆炎 テニス肘に対して施術いたしました。筋肉の機能を正しくもどす



Symptoms of lateral epicondylitis include pain on the outer side of the elbow when the wrist is moved upward, such as when grabbing and lifting an object or opening the lid of a plastic bottle, or when the fingers are extended, such as when typing on a keyboard.
This is also known as tennis elbow, since the pain often occurs after repeated backhand tennis plays. Restoring proper muscle function

In this case, the patient was treated with Kinesio tape.

Muscles that have been damaged, injured, or overused can become tight and painful. By applying Kinesio tape, muscles that have been overstretched or overshrunk can be restored to their original state, and it can also support muscles that are weak. When applied as in this case, it also has an effect on the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. When the flow of blood and lymph fluid is poor, it becomes congested and puts pressure on the nerves. Kinesio taping helps this circulation by widening the gap between the skin and the underlying tissue, thereby improving the circulation of locally accumulated blood and lymphatic fluid. By applying Kinesio tape, it promotes natural healing and relieves pain and other symptoms.

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