
Pain aof the thumb


The joint at the base of the thumb is called the first carpometacarpal joint or the thumb CM joint. It is a joint with a large amount of movement that allows the thumb to face the other fingers and make a pinching motion. Symptoms of pain at the base of the thumb include overuse, wear and tear of the articular cartilage with aging, and, as symptoms progress, joint swelling, subluxation, and deformation of the thumb. The main causes are aging, hormonal imbalance, and changes in joint alignment. Maternal CM arthritis is a condition in which the cartilage in the CM joint at the base of the thumb wears away, causing pain and deformity. As with other osteoarthritis, it is overwhelmingly female. Age is more common after menopause. Aging causes a decrease in bone metabolism and a decrease in hormones, which leads to wear and tear of the articular cartilage. Female hormones are also a factor in why women are more frequently affected. During menopause, estrogen, also known as follicular hormone, decreases with menopause. In addition to creating a feminine body shape, estrogen also keeps tendons and joints flexible. Therefore, a decrease in estrogen can lead to hemorrhoids and inflammation of the joints. It is said that a well-balanced intake of soybean products (tofu, natto, cooked soybeans, miso, etc.) on a daily basis is good for maintaining healthy joints. Soy isoflavo contained in soybeans has an effect similar to that of estrogen, which prevents the onset of thumb CM arthritis. By consuming it on a regular basis and actively, we can prevent joint inflammation after menopause!

#fingerpain #thumbpain #指痛い #親指
#handpain #手が痛い


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