
Pain in inner thigh.


It is difficult to warm up from the ankles to the tips of the feet. There is coldness in the toes and considerable pain when pressing on the inner thigh. The entrance of blood to the legs is the thigh, but in daily life, the base of the foot is often compressed when sitting in a chair for a long time, and perhaps because there are surprisingly few opportunities to move the thigh significantly, the inner thigh is prone to blood stagnation and waste products accumulation. When this happens, the closed nerve innervating the adductor muscle may feel pain or discomfort. Acupuncture treatment promotes blood circulation in the inner thigh and improves blood flow to the entire leg to treat coldness and pain.

#thigh  #thighpain  #太腿 #太腿の痛み #内転筋の痛み #太腿内側の痛み 


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