
Leg Pain from Air Conditioning


Although air conditioning is a great way to stay comfortable during the summer, it can also easily lead to physical discomfort. Some people's toes get cold in a refrigerated room, but this does not mean that the air conditioning has lowered their body temperature. Human body temperature is maintained by warm blood circulating throughout the body through blood vessels. However, prolonged exposure to air-conditioning or sitting in an air-conditioned room can cause the blood circulating in the body, sometimes in the periphery, to become sluggish, and blood does not return to the heart, resulting in coldness and swelling. When blood returns to the heart after circulating to the periphery, the heart can circulate new warm blood, but if circulation is poor, old blood remains, leading to coldness. When blood circulation is poor, the oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood are not distributed throughout the body. When sufficient oxygen and nutrients do not reach the periphery and waste products are not eliminated, painful substances are produced in the blood, causing pain. When muscles do not receive oxygen and nutrients, they become tense and stiff, which can induce further pain. In addition, nerves and blood vessels may also be compressed, from which strong pain and numbness may result. Acupuncture can improve blood circulation and relieve pain and numbness caused by cold.

#足がつる #足が痛い  #太股が硬い #太股が痛い
#坐骨神経痛 #肉離れ #陸上部 #pulledmuscle #legcramps #legpain #sciaticapain #sciatica 


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