膝痛 夏
knee pain in summer
If you have had knee pain in the past and your knees ache in cold weather or in an air-conditioned room during the summer, it may be due to cold legs. When the body is cold, blood vessels constrict and blood flow is reduced, causing the knee muscles to stiffen. Moving the knee in this condition puts strain on the knee muscles and may cause discomfort and pain. Many people wear a supporter due to knee pain. The tactile sense of pressure that a supporter wrapped tightly around the knee has is the sensation of something touching or applying pressure to the skin against a stimulus. The sense of tactile pressure is transmitted to the brain faster than the sense of pain. The supporter is a means of utilizing this electrical response of the brain. By applying pressure to the painful knee with the supporter, the tactile sense of pressure is transmitted to the brain, thereby slowing down the transmission of pain. Be careful, too much pressure can adversely affect circulation. If you experience knee pain or discomfort after being in an air-conditioned room, warming the knee first will also help relieve the pain. Osteoarthritis of the knee, for example, is a disease that wears away cartilage in the process of progression, and as the disease progresses, the knee becomes less stable. Knee supporters are worn to immobilize the knee, preventing excess wobble and reducing the burden on the joint. The knee supporter should ease the strain on the cartilage and control the damage, while also improving muscle strength. When pain occurs, resting may relieve the pain. However, it is easy to make the mistake of thinking that one should rest when the knee hurts, but if one tries to rest and not move, there is a possibility that muscle strength to support the knee will deteriorate and weight gain due to immobility will result, further increasing the burden on the knee and amplifying the pain. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is designed to reduce knee pain, promote blood circulation to the muscles, nourish the muscles, and build muscle mass so that the patient can smoothly perform daily activities, climb stairs, and so on. By taking good care of your knee on a daily basis, you can improve knee problems or slow the progression of knee deterioration, even if you cannot treat the underlying problem.