お腹の不調 夏

Upset stomach


Despite high temperatures, the stomach is cold, hard, or conversely, the abdomen is flabby. Coldness in the abdomen can also be a symptom of strong stress or a continuous state of tension. Consuming too many cold drinks and food also worsens the blood flow to the stomach and intestines. Acupuncture treatment includes increasing relaxation, relieving stress and fatigue, regulating the autonomic nervous system, promoting the regulatory function of blood circulation, and improving blood circulation. It warms the abdomen and lower back to relieve symptoms. Warming will dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve congestion, regulate gastrointestinal and digestive weakness, and relieve abdominal pain and gas buildup. Acupuncture treatment also excels in regulating the autonomic nervous system. The human body regulates temperature by expanding blood vessels to allow heat to escape when it is hot and contracting blood vessels to hold heat inside the body when it is cold through the action of the autonomic nervous system. However, during the summer, there are many opportunities to go outside from a cool air-conditioned room to a warmer one, and the autonomic nervous system may not be able to keep up with the workings of the body. It is said that the reason why the body feels more comfortable after receiving acupuncture or moxibustion treatment is because the workings of the autonomic nerves, which were overstrained, are regulated and the balance of the whole body is adjusted, which increases the natural healing power and gradually changes the body to a healthy state.

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