
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

手根管症候群 手関節と指が曲げにくい事に対して施術いたしました。





Carpal Tunnel Syndrome I treated for difficulty in bending the wrist joint and fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel.
The first cause is overuse of the hand. The median nerve is easily compressed when the synovial membrane in the carpal tunnel increases due to prolonged and repetitive work, especially when the fingers are bent and stretched. Other causes include pregnancy and menopause, which can significantly change the balance of female hormones, and these are also said to cause the onset of the condition.

The main symptoms are numbness and pain in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers (the ring finger is on the thumb side only). When touching an object with the fingers, there is a feeling of dull sensation.

Symptoms tend to occur in the middle finger at onset and then spread to the surrounding fingers. Symptoms are more intense at night and at dawn. In daily life, inconveniences such as the inability to button buttons, pick up coins, or make the OK sign may occur. Motor functions such as grasping and pulling as well as sensory functions that support subtle force are impaired. Some people neglect carpal tunnel syndrome, believing that it will heal on its own, but it is important to see an orthopedic surgeon to prevent the progression of symptoms.

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