花粉症 足の経穴・ツボで治す

Hay fever Cure with acupuncture points and acupoints of the feet


Allergy symptoms are various phenomena that occur when the body overreacts to a foreign substance that enters the body. Normally, people have a high level of resistance, so there is no problem even if pollen gets into the nose. However, when resistance is lowered, the mucous membranes react to pollen, which is an antibody, and try to defend themselves excessively and expel it from the body. This is what causes symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. In this case, we are using acupoints on the feet to treat hay fever. The foot acupoints are also expected to relieve allergic symptoms that are the cause of hay fever. Symptoms are caused by the accumulation of substances in the body that are not eliminated through urine and stools, and are manifested as symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and runny nose. Therefore, by stimulating foot acupoints, the body is encouraged to release waste and foreign substances that have accumulated in the body, thereby alleviating hay fever symptoms. However, in modern society, it is said that one of the reasons is that stress lowers the immune system and resistance. When the autonomic nervous system is in good balance, hay fever (allergy symptoms) often does not occur even when pollen (allergens) enters the body. This is the reason why people, all of whom are exposed to pollen, do not suffer from hay fever. This is because when the immune system is kept normal, it does not overreact. Stress is one of the causes of autonomic nervous system disorders. The imbalance of the autonomic nervous system makes allergic reactions more likely to occur. In this case, we have selected Taizhu (太衝) and Leida (厲兌) as acupoints on the feet. Taizong is a hollow on the dorsum of the foot, intersecting between the first and second toes, which resonates when pressed. Taisho not only improves blood and lymph flow, but also regulates the autonomic nervous system. It is also effective for cold, numbness and swelling of the feet. Reida (厲兌) is a pressure point located on the index toe of the foot, outside of the ingrown toenail. This acupoint leads to the nostrils, improving coldness at the end of the toes and relieving hypersensitivity reactions of the eyes and nose. In parallel with the acupoints on the feet, if we want to fundamentally cure allergies to pollen, it is important to increase resistance and immunity in order to fundamentally cure allergy symptoms. It is necessary to take time to increase resistance on a daily basis. Acupuncture treatment has the concept of curing the unwell. Even if you do not have any symptoms now, you should take care of your body on a daily basis to prevent them from occurring.

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