
bruising pain

  • 足の指を強く打ち付けて打撲後、痛みが強くなり、歩くのも辛いということで来院となりました。整形外科での受診をお願いした上で、鍼灸治療を行いました。施術の目的は、疼痛の軽減と、血行促進を目的に、浮腫みや腫れの除去をすることで、うっ血してた内出血も引きやすくして、回復を早めていきます
    • The patient came to our hospital because after hitting her toe hard and bruising it, the pain became stronger and it was difficult for her to walk. We asked her to see an orthopedic surgeon and then performed acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. The purpose of the treatment was to reduce pain and promote blood circulation by removing edema and swelling, which would also help to reduce internal bleeding and speed up recovery.
#footpain #fracture #crack


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