発熱 熱が下がらない

Fever Fever won't go down

発熱は体がウィルスや細菌と戦っている結果なので、熱があっても、そこそこに元気があり、食欲があれば、水分と睡眠をまずは取り、体を休めましょう。発熱は身体の防御反応です。風邪は万病のもと、諺にありますが、風邪により自己免疫力 が衰え、他の病気を併発したりするため、そのように言われています。鍼灸治療では、体質を改善して、自己免疫力と自己治癒力を高めていきます。今症例では、使用した経穴のひとつ、魚際は解熱のツボで、第一中手骨中点にあり、母指対立筋に位置します。手の甲は日焼けするため赤、手のひらは白で区分けをし、その境目が赤白肉際です。赤白肉際とは、赤肉は火傷痕が残りやすいが、白肉と白肉際はお灸痕が残らないためお灸にも適しています。

Fever is the result of the body's fight against viruses and bacteria, so if you have a fever but are reasonably energetic and have a good appetite, rest your body by first getting some fluids and sleep. Fever is the body's defense response. The common cold is the cause of all illnesses, as the saying goes, because the common cold weakens the body's own immune system and can cause other illnesses to develop. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment improves the constitution and enhances self-immunity and self-healing power. In the present case, one of the acupuncture points used, 魚際, is an antifebrile acupuncture point and is located at the first metacarpal midpoint and is located on the opposable thumb muscle. The back of the hand is red for sunburn and the palm is white for division, and the border between the two is the red-white flesh border. The red flesh tends to leave burn scars, while the white flesh and the white border are suitable for moxibustion because they do not leave moxibustion scars.

#fever #covid19 #highfever


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