
足の捻挫をしてから随分と経つがまだ足首がグラつく気がする ゆるくてまた捻ってしまいそうなどの症状がることで来院。このような症状を足関節不安定症と云います。過去に捻挫をして症状が残ってしまっているタイプですね。足を捻っても「大したことはないだろう」と病院に行かない人が多いのも原因のひとつですが、とりあえず、ひどい痛みは抜けたので、完治しないまま放置していたり。足首の捻挫をした人で後遺症を感じている方は多いです。このような症状を抱える場合は、足首のメンテナンス治療が必要です。定期的にケアしましょう、次の怪我への予防になります。

The patient came to the hospital with symptoms such as asprained foot, but the ankle still feels wobbly andloose, and she feels she might twist it again. These symptoms are called ankle instability. This is a type of sprain where the symptoms are still present after a previous sprain. One of the reasons why many people don't go to hospital after twisting their leg is that they think it's nothing serious, but at any rate, the severe pain has gone away and they leave it without a full recovery. Many people who have sprained their ankle feel the aftereffects. If you have these symptoms, you need ankle maintenance treatment. Take care of it regularly, it will help prevent you from the next injury.

#anklepain #sprainedankle


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