産後 肩が上がらない

Postpartum Shoulder not lifted


What is known as a forty or fifty shoulder is periarthritis. It can be painful at night, and the arm may not be able to come up. The periarthritis ‘frozen shoulder’ is caused by ageing, or so-called age-related degeneration, but many postpartum mothers also have symptoms of not being able to raise their arms. You are in positions that put a lot of strain on your body, such as carrying your baby several times a day after birth, or breastfeeding while sleeping with your baby, day in and day out. Postnatal mothers prioritise taking care of their babies and leave their own health care behind. Restricted range of motion can interfere with daily life and make it easier to bear the strain of everyday activities. If you treat it early, it will improve as soon as possible.

#underarm #armpain #sorearm


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