
torn muscle


A torn muscle is officially called a muscle sprain. It is an injury or tear of fascia or muscle fibers that occurs during exercise when a sudden and forceful movement is made. A tear or rupture of a muscle is called a muscle tear, and a partial muscle tear is generally called a torn muscle. When it develops, the affected area is in extreme pain. A "popping" sound may be heard at the moment the muscle is torn. Close inspection of the painful area may reveal dimpling or discoloration of the skin. A torn muscle is more likely to occur when a force is applied in a direction that causes a strong contraction of the muscle as well as a strong stretch in the opposite direction. They occur frequently during sudden dashes, stops, and landings from jumps. Accumulation of muscle fatigue, aging, and inadequate warm-up are factors that can cause muscle separation. When an injury such as a separated flesh, bruise, or sprain occurs during exercise, the patient should basically cool down during the acute phase and warm up during the chronic phase. Immediately after an acute injury, the affected area should be cooled to reduce blood flow because of the inflammatory reaction, swelling and pain. Rest, cooling, and first aid (RICE) treatment is effective in reducing internal bleeding and inflammation by reducing fever, compressing the affected area, and elevating the affected area above the heart. The acute phase ends in about 2 to 3 days, and the patient moves into the chronic phase. In the chronic phase, the inflammation subsides, but the injured area becomes fatigued, the muscles become stiff, and blood flow is blocked. As a result, oxygen and nutrients cannot reach the area, leading to swelling and pain. During this period, it is important to warm the affected area to stimulate blood flow and relax the stiffened muscles. Electrical stimulation therapy using ultrasound, microcurrent or TENS can be used in both the acute and chronic phases; when used after RICE treatment, electrical stimulation of the motor and sensory nerves can be used to contract and relax the muscles and relieve pain. The areas most prone to muscle separation vary by sport, but include the hamstrings, quadriceps, adductor muscles, and gastrocnemius muscles. Injuries can take days to weeks to fully heal, and even a month or more depending on the extent of the injury. Ultrasound therapy is also expected to help speed recovery from separated muscles, bruises, and sprains, as ultrasound stimulation activates tissues and enhances natural healing power. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is also effective in relieving pain, as it promotes blood circulation and expels pain-producing substances.

#pulledmuscle #musclepain #肉離れ #筋挫傷 


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